As an insurance agent I am continuously asked: "Do you think I am paying too much for insurance?", "Can you give me a ballpark of what I should be paying for auto insurance?" or my favorite, "My neighbor drives the same type of car and pays a lot less than I do". I wish there was a simple answer to these inquiries. Unfortunately in today's insurance market, there are many factors that can affect your auto insurance premium. Most everyone knows … [Read more...]
This question is one that I have heard a lot over the years. As I was brought up in the insurance industry I learned at a very young age what to do in the event of an accident. However, for many, this is a topic not discussed until you find yourself at the side of the road after a fender bender. This discussion is especially critical if you have new drivers in your home. The first and most important rule, don’t leave the scene of the … [Read more...]
As an independent insurance agency the common statement we hear from individuals, especially with the purchase of a first car, is ”I don’t have much in the way of assets so all I really need is the minimum coverage allowed by the State of Connecticut”. WRONG! The State of Connecticut only requires and individual to carry bodily injury coverage in the amount of $20,000 per person/$40,000 per accident, property damage at $10,000 and … [Read more...]
What is Attractive Nuisance liability? Do you have and "attractive nuisance" on your property? Something that is both attractive and dangerous to curious children can be classified as an attractive nuisance and opens up potential liability for you in the event that these objects cause an accident. Common nuisances include unguarded swimming pools, trampolines, fire pits, abandoned appliances or cars. Although it is not dear how the last two … [Read more...]